Internacionalization of compozite filter iTherapy
The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Fund for Regional Development
Project description:
The company Kristalna Ideja is classified as a small company by its structure. This type of business entity is the main source of entrepreneurial skills, innovation and new jobs, but the results show that the obstacles to internationalization are systematically higher for small companies than for large companies and that the size of small companies is crucial for the level of international activity. The Crystal Idea has developed an innovation that can greatly improve and positively influence the purification of indoor air, which today represents a global problem. The goal of the project is to enter the international market, to create recognition on the same market
and finding business partners by participating in international fairs.
Goals and expected results:
Sales and export growth in target markets.
Total value of the project:
EU co-financing of the project:
Project implementation period:
01.08.2019. – 31.07.2023.
Contact person for more information
Andrea Jakus
Relevant websites:
*The content of the publication / broadcast material is the sole responsibility of Kristalna Ideja d.o.o.